Friday, September 19, 2008

Fixation Friday: Chocolate Glazed Peanut Butter Torte

***Sorry about the lack of photos. Blogger decided to rebel while I was away in FL***

Nothing like peanut buttery chocolate goodness on a Friday! Well, actually, not this Friday for me, because I am in Florida. I made this on Monday and used the wonders of blogger scheduling. Anyway...

This Chocolate Fixation recipe was chosen by Shandy of Pastry Heaven. I was SUPER excited to try this because I adore the combo of PB & C. Who doesn't? I have made many different peanut butter and chocolate pies/tortes so I was excited to try this one that seemed slightly different. As opposed to a typical graham cracker or cookie crust that has been pre-made, this one used a yummy brown sugar/butter/cocoa/flour/peanut combo that I found very tasty. Then it required pre-baking, which none of my other crusts have.

Speaking of baking, I made cookies that same day and turned off the oven when I was done with them. Then I turned the oven on again when I realized that I would be baking this crust. Then I got distracted and decided I was done for the day and turned the oven off. 15 minutes later I changed my fickle mind again and I made the crust and put it in the oven. Did you notice something there? Yeah, I never turned the oven back on again. I didn't notice that until I took the crust out and it wasn't very hot. Whatever, there wasn't anything harmful in the crust so I left it warm and partially baked.

Aside from that, everything else for this was super easy. I actually quartered the recipe because I didn't want to have a ton of leftovers in the fridge while we were gone. The best part was that I got to use my super cute mini springform pan! Hooray! I snapped a few quick pictures and then I took it upstairs so Glenn and I could devour it while we watched the terrifically awful made for TV movie "Category 7 - The End of the World" Don't waste your time in case you were wondering. It's too long to be entertaining.

To check out the recipe, go here. By the way, I give major kudos to all those people who take beautiful pictures of their food. Very rarely am I patient enough and strong willed enough to take the time and get a beautiful picture when delectable food is staring me in the face.

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